

    泽宇公司是一家民营科技型有限公司,成立于2006,研发团队由一批来自国内外充满工作热情和富有爱心的婴幼儿用品专家和顾问组成。生产工厂位于广州市花都区新华镇,毗邻广州国际机场、高铁和高速公路,交通、运输、通讯十分便利。 泽宇公司是专业从事婴幼儿喂养类产品及其家庭消费类电子产品研究、开发、设计、生产、销售和服务于一体的综合性公司。我们有专业的技术人员和国际先进的生产线,已成功开发了具有自主知识产权的专利产品:奶瓶系列、金婴王数字显温奶瓶系列、消毒器系列、婴儿碗、自动饮水杯、暖奶器、吸奶器和其他附属婴儿用品。产品质量符合EN71、en14350、GB14942和美国FDA标准,并通过中国QS质量认证。 依托公司多年的ODM和OEM代工经验,我们创立了GCK金婴王和顽皮熊两个独立品牌,在国内建立了我们的代理经销商网络,其中顽皮熊产品已经成为众多家庭的选购产品,同时我们的产品出口到欧洲、美国、中东等国家和地区。 泽宇公司所有产品的开发都充分考虑人性化设计,坚持经济、实用为原则,严格遵循相关的国际及中国国家标准和要求进行设计及生产,能够为广大客户提供优质、高效、快捷的服务,保证产品质量,促进广大婴幼儿身心健康成长。泽宇公司拥有经验丰富的优秀技术人员和管理人员,从产品的软、硬件的开发,设计和制造,所有流程符合相关的标准和严格的要求,有利于产品质量稳定的保障,为客户提供合格的,有效的和周到的服务。 泽宇公司坚持质量第一、信用至上的方针,愿意同国内外有实力的业内外客户建立起互利、共赢的友好关系,展开各种形式的合作,优势互补,迅速拓展我司婴儿产品在国内外市场的份额,实现公司最佳经济效益。 泽宇公司可以根据客户的要求定制新产品为客户提供ODM和OEM服务,产品包装可根据客户要求设计。我们有自己的模具制造部门,可以为客户提供周到、快捷和优质的服务,希望我们能建立长期的友好合作关系。 欢迎广大客户前来我司交流、洽谈合作! Zane Baby is a private science technology Co., Ltd, Founded in 2006 in Guangzhou, R & D team work by a group full of enthusiasm caring baby composed of experts consultants. Factories located in Xinhua District of Guangzhou City Huadu, adjacent to Guangzhou International Airport National Highway Highway, traffic, transportation, communications is very convenient. Zane Baby is specializing in intelligent baby products for infant young child feeding their families, consumer electronics research, development, design, production, sales service in one integrated company. We have many professional technicians international advanced production lines. What has been successfully developed has intellectual property rights in the invention products are: Feeding Bottle Series, Intelligent Feeding Bottle Thermometer Series, sterilize Series, baby bowl set, automatic drinking cup, Bottle Warmer, Breast Pump other subsidiary baby items. Accord with EN71、EN14350、GB14942 USA FDA standards,we also passed the QS certification of China. Relying on the experience of the ODM OEM, we have founded GCK Naughty Bear two independent brand. We build many Distribution centers sale our products in the many different areas in our country. We are exported to Europe, America, Middle-east countries .Many countries in the world are selling our products. All products design are fully taken into account the development of user-friendly design, adhere to the economic practical principle of strict compliance with relevant international Chinese national standards requirements for the design production, to providing our customers with quality,efficient, fast service, product quality assurance to promote the healthy development of the vast numbers of infants young children. Zane Baby possesses experienced technologists outstanding managers, competent to undertake software & hardware development, design manufacture. All processes comply with related standards requirements strictly, which contributes to stable guarantee of the product quality providing qualified, effective considerate service for clients. Zane Baby adhere to quality first, credit first approach, both at home abroad are willing to work with the industry's strongest foreign customers to establish mutually beneficial, win-win friendly relations, carry out all forms of cooperation, complement each other, the rapid expansion of our product Zane Baby Series Intelligent baby in the leading position in domestic foreign markets. Zane Baby are capable of customizing new products providing OEM service according to client's requirements. The product packing may be designed according to customer's. Zane Baby have our own mold manufacturing sector may be based on your needs rapid development of new products, Hope that we can establish a long-term friendly cooperative relations, request. Zane Baby look forward to your cooperation.





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日期 客户 联系方式 意向公司|产品 地区 详细内容|联系地址
2019-08-09 王静 VIP查看 婴儿吸鼻器
陕西咸阳 有意向代理该产品,请寄资料或给我打电话。
2018-01-24 李静 VIP查看 标口螺牙盖-圆头防尘罩
2017-09-02 王先生 VIP查看 全部产品
福建泉州 对贵公司产品感兴趣
2017-08-23 张燕 VIP查看 全部产品
广东佛山 你好!我曾经在岳阳的一家孕婴童店做导购接触过爽然这个产品,顾客回头率很高,产品口碑也相当好。现在在佛山这边走亲戚,去了很多超市发现都没有这个品牌,我想问下这边是否有该产品的代理?我有诚意做这个品牌的代理,望贵公司回复,希望有机会合作!谢谢!
2017-08-02 黄宇 VIP查看 全部产品
台湾台北 我想代理
2017-05-30 邢义昌 VIP查看 全部产品
河南商丘 我想经销
2017-05-27 李晓东 VIP查看 全部产品
陕西商洛 我要代理;
2017-04-19 徐诗 VIP查看 百仕高鳕鱼肝油
湖北咸宁 我要代理
2016-12-20 王亚琦 VIP查看 全部产品
江苏无锡 想做加盟 宜兴有店了吗
2016-05-23 王少君 VIP查看 全部产品
河南南阳 加盟条件。
2016-01-05 张敏 VIP查看 全部产品
新疆乌鲁木齐 想做这方面的了解
2015-10-23 杨先生 VIP查看 全部产品
安徽合肥 想做安徽省代,从事多年婴童保健,用品销售行业
2015-10-14 郝鑫鑫 VIP查看 全部产品
河南郑州 我要代理,赶紧联系我
2015-10-06 俏贝儿 VIP查看 全部产品
山东德州 我要代理;
2015-09-27 顾晴 VIP查看 全部产品
上海黄浦 了解一下


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